Our Story…

This is such an exciting and humbling day for us here!  Today is the official launch of our off-shoot brand: Shoes for AFO’s™.  With the launch I want to give you a little back-story, because I believe the Lord has lead into this new chapter!

4 years or so ago my team and I were knee deep in growing our parent brand, Gracious May.  There was a lot going on at the time, but one evening as I was sitting at my computer I came across an article about a company that had invented an amazing harness for children with disabilities (linked at bottom of this post).  Most of these children were not able to walk or stand on their own, but this harness allowed them the ability to stand upright and take a few simple steps.  With goosebumps welling up all over my body I watched a video of these children soaking up this walking experience.  In that moment I knew without a doubt that I wanted to contribute to making products that would serve special needs children.  I didn’t have any clue how, or what, or where, or when; but I knew that’s what I wanted!  I put the desire before the Lord right then and there, praying that He would lead me to this kind of opportunity someday…

About 2 years later, in 2015, I receive an email from a mom who’s little girl wears Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO’s) due to conditions brought on by mild Cerebral Palsy.  Many of you now know this lovely lady as Finley’s mom (Christina) from the interview we did with her on the Gracious May Blog (or from her personal blog, fifiandmo.com).  Christina saw our Suede Moccasin Boots and asked if they could be made to fit over Finley’s AFO Braces.  It was such a busy season, but I felt this huge tug to take on the custom order.  In hind sight, I just know it was the Lord.  Christina was so patient as I asked for a million measurements.  I was so nervous about that first pair of shoes and prayed my way through the whole process of making them.  Christina received the boots and they were a perfect fit for her daughter, Finley!  From that time forward we had a steady stream of custom orders from moms of special needs girls across the country!

Now we are in 2018, launching ShoesforAFOs.com!  No matter where this new opportunity leads, I just want to praise the Lord for bringing us this far.  I also want to ask something of you: will help us generate some word of mouth for ShoesforAFOS.com?  Share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, your own blog, or with just one other mom by text or email!  Your word of mouth has always been the greatest help to us here at Gracious May and we would be so grateful if you would help in spreading the word about our new site ShoesforAFOS.com!  If you are a customer and sign up under our Referral Program, you will even be rewarded for all the customers you send our way!

Much love and gratitude,

Grace // and the Shoes for AFO’s Team

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him  glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen” Ephesians 3:20-21